Other Ceremonies

Renewal of Vows

You may have reached an important milestone in your married life (eg 25 years of marriage) so a Renewal of Vows Ceremony is the perfect way to acknowledge what is good & true within your lives together. Perhaps your family & friends who live overseas were unable to attend your wedding in Australia, then a Renewal of Vows ceremony is a fantastic way to include them in the celebrations. While the legal aspects of a wedding ceremony cannot be said in a Renewal of Vows ceremony, I write a ceremony that uses the promises & sentiments that made the wedding ceremony so memorable.

Baby Naming

What a wonderful way to bring together family & friends to recognise & acknowledge the new addition to your family’s life. You may have people who you regard highly that you would like to be mentors in your child’s life & this ceremony is a great way to give formal recognition of the high esteem with which they are held & encourages them to be a significant part of your child’s life.


Some people may be unable to have a legal marriage ceremony in Australia for various reasons so a Commitment Ceremony gives recognition of their deep commitment to one another. This can be as meaningful as any legal wedding & I am very happy to offer this service.


To be able to say “Goodbye” to those that we love is an important part of life. Mourning the loss, but also celebrating the life of those special people with a respectful, formal ceremony allows us to remember & acknowledge a life well lived. A funeral can be a time of great sadness & heartache especially if it involves a child. My empathy & support for a family in this situation is boundless.